is hard.
But there
is hope.

Decibel brings custom kidney care into your home, helping you achieve the best possible quality of life – no matter what your diagnosis.

All people featured in this project are models and don’t have any connection to Decibel Health.

It's ok to want more.

It's ok to want more.

More energy. More time. More health. More options. More living.
We help you build a life much bigger than your disease.

More energy. More time. More health. More options. More living.
We help you build a life much bigger than your disease.

We design a comprehensive program to keep you as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.

  • Dialysis in the comfort of your own home
  • Real-time patient monitoring and clinical support
  • Hands-on caregiver training and support for family members and friends
  • Fully trained caregivers to provide treatments in your home*
  • High-touch relationships with our interdisciplinary care team to ensure you remain at your best
*Limited eligibility may apply

Get in Touch

We design a comprehensive program to keep you as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.

  • Halt or prolong disease progression
  • Sync with existing CKD management platforms
  • Cognitive and behavioral intervention
  • Health and wellness initiatives
  • Ongoing monitoring and peer support

Get in Touch

Why home dialysis?

Why home dialysis?

Because we’ve seen patients forced to get in their cars and drive to a dialysis center at 3:00AM for the only available slot that day. And we’ve seen the despair that comes with losing control of one’s time and life. We’ve also seen how when patients are cared for in their own homes, they feel better, they are healthier and happier, their quality of life and energy levels increase, and they are admitted to the hospital less. Decibel stands for a new kind of care, one that empowers ESRD and CKD patients to make choices based on the lifestyle they want to create. We want our patients to take back control of their lives, all while maintaining the absolute highest level of care from their doctor and support team.

We help you find a new kind of normal.

“I want to marry my girlfriend.”

All people featured in this project are models and don’t have any connection to Decibel Health.

“I want to marry my girlfriend.”

All people featured in this project are models and don’t have any connection to Decibel Health.

“I want to father a child.”

“I want to walk my dogs in the sunlight.”


We put you first-always

Kidney disease is tough; there’s no getting around that. But a diagnosis does not render you powerless, and the right care model makes all the difference. Join our waiting list to be notified when Decibel becomes available in your area.


We can’t revolutionize kidney care without you.

You are the doctor. You make the decisions about what treatment best suits your patients, and you give them the confidence to change course when needed. Let’s join together to give our patients the best care and the best life.

All people featured in this project are models and don’t have any connection to Decibel Health.

“I want to walk my dogs in the sunlight.”

Our greatest goal is that you no longer need us

Kidney Transplant Advocacy

The bureaucracy and confusion around kidney transplants can feel
insurmountable. We’re here to help you shoulder that burden.

The bureaucracy and confusion around kidney transplants can feel insurmountable. We’re here to help you shoulder that burden.
Ensuring our ESRD members are on the right waiting lists at the right times.
Ensuring members remain excellent kidney transplant candidates.
Ensuring members remain ready to receive a transplant.

Kidney Transplant Waiting List optimization to ensure our ESRD members are on the right waiting lists at the right times.

High touch relationships with renal dietician and social worker to ensure members remain excellent kidney transplant candidates.

Full care coordination with your Kidney Transplant Team to ensure you remain ready and prepared to receive a transplant.

“I want to father a child.”

All people featured in this project are models and don’t have any connection to Decibel Health.

Let’s discover
your new normal.
It’s probably
better than you

Decibel is currently operating in New
York and New Jersey, and is
expanding to your area soon. Get in
touch to learn more.

Let’s discover
your new normal.
It’s probably
better than you

Decibel is currently operating in New
York and New Jersey, and is
expanding to your area soon. Get in
touch to learn more.

Get in touch to learn more:

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